200g self-raising flour,
150g butter,
150g soft brown sugar,
50g white sugar,
2 eggs,
2-3 tbsp red food colouring,
100ml milk,
1/2 tbsp cider vinegar,
1 tsp vanilla extract,
2 tbsp cocoa powder,
1/2 tsp salt,
1/2 tsp baking soda.
In a bowl mix the butter and brown sugar for a couple of minutes to incorporate air. Add one egg and the white sugar, then add the other egg. Add the salt, flour, cocoa and baking soda. Then in a separate bowl mix together the milk, food colouring, cider vinegar, and vanilla. Add the red mixture to the original mixture- (this could get messy!)
Divide into cupcake cases and bake for about 20-25. If u stick a skewer or sharp knife in the centre of the cupcakes and batter still appears on the skewer/knife then put them back in for another 5 minutes until they come out clean.
Frosting anyone?
250g cream cheese, (e.g phillidephia)
150g icing sugar,
1/2 tsp vanilla extract.
Mix all the ingredients together until all incorporated.
Apply to cooled cupcakes! :D
200g self-raising flour,
200g soft brown sugar,
30g white sugar,
150g soft butter,
1/2 tsp salt,
4 tbsp descicated coconut,
2 eggs,
1 tsp vanilla,
3 tbsp milk, (approx)
In a bowl cream the butter and sugar. Add the eggs one by one. Then add the salt, coconut, vanilla, milk and flour.
Divide the mixture into large muffin cases and sprinkle extra coconut on top! Bake for appox 25 minutes. If a skewer or sharp knife doesnt come out clean from the muffins after 25 minutes then put them back in for another 5 minutes and take the test again.
Best eaten without toppings.

1 cup softened butter,
3/4 cup brown sugar,
1/2 cup white sugar,
2 eggs,
2 tsp vanilla,
3 1/2 cups plain flour,
1 tsp salt,
1 tsp baking soda,
10oz pack (1 packet) chocolate chips,
1 packet of Oreos.
Mix together the butter and sugars. Add the eggs a little at a time with a little bit flour at the same time. Continue until all the egg is gone. Add the vanilla. Add the rest of the flour, salt, soda and chocolate chips. Make a dough. Form the dough into small balls about the size of 1/2 golf ball, (mkaes: approx 40 balls.) Place in the fridge for about 1/2 an hour- unless you have more time...
Then get two balls, place one underneathe and oreo and one above. Squash together.
1 cup plain flour,
1 cup instant oats,
1/4 cup soft butter,
1 cup brown sugar,
1/2 cup white sugar,
1 large egg,
1-2 tsp orange zest,
1 tbsp orange juice,
1/2 tsp vanilla,
1/4 cup chocolate chips, (optional)
In a bowl mix the butter and sugars until light and fluffy. Add tbsp of egg + 1 tbsp flour until all the egg is used. Add orange juice and vanilla. Add remaining flour and oats. Finally add the zest. Add 1 tbsp sizes to a greased baking tray. Bake in a pre-heated 180oC oven for approx 15-20 minutes until golden brown.
Enjoyyy :@) x
1 packet of puff pastry,
about 10 large strawberries,
300ml whipping cream,
2 tsp white sugar,
1 tbsp cocoa powder, (optional)
1 egg yolk. (beaten)
Roll out the pastry to the thickness of approx 1/2 an inch. You can cut out any shape you want. brush with a little egg yolk and put in a pre-heated 200oC oven for 10-15 minutes until golden. Take out and cool.
Slice the strawberries. In a bowl place in the cream, sugar and optionally cocoa powder, whip up until resembles... well, squirty cream! Cut the puffs in half, push down in the centre a little with your fingers and add teaspoon or two of whipped cream and a few slices of strawberries and the sweet whipped cream.

1 cup self-raising flour,
1 1/4 cups brown sugar,
1/2 cup butter,
1/4 cup cocoa powder,
1 tbsp golden syrup, (optional)
2 small-medium eggs,
1/2 tsp baking powder.
200g dark/milk chocolate,
200ml double cream,
white&yellow fondant icing +little black fondant.
In a bowl cream the butter and sugar. Add the eggs a little at a time. Add the syrup and cocoa. Then fold in the flour and baking powder together. Divide into cupcake cases and bake in a 170-180oC oven.
Cream the cream until boiling. When it begins to boil, turn off the heat.
Pour the hot cream onto the broken pieces of chocolate.
Put in the fridge for 15minutes (approx) until thickened. When the cupcakes have cooled pipe on a level swirl on the top of the cupcakes.
Roll out a little white icing and cut out little even sized circles for the eyes. Put little black fondant as little pupils in the eyes.
The. Roll the yellow icing out and cut out little triangle for the beaks. Place in the freezer for 5-10 minutes for firm up.
Apply to cupcakes.
Enjoyy x xD

100g smoked salmon, (approx)
1x250g package phillidelphia,
1 tbsp finely chopped parsley,
200g plain flour,
100g butter, (chilled)
1/2 tsp salt,
1 egg yolk.
In a bowl cut the butter up into small pieces and add the flour. Rub together until resembles bread crumbs. Add salt. Add in 4 tbsp of water to start. Then add as much water as it takes to make a non-sticky dough. Chill in the fridge. Blend/process the philli, salmon, parsley and any seasoning until a smooth paste forms.
Take pastry out of the fridge and roll to the thickness of a pound coin.
Cut into circle and place in greased shallow cupcake tin.
Brush lightly with egg yolk. (this will stop the filling making the pastry soggy and make it nice and golden!)
Bake in 200oC oven for 10 minutes approx, until appearance is not greasy and colour is golden.
Take out of the oven and place aside to cool- which wont take long...
Then add 2 tsp or 1 tbsp into each case.
Put in the fridge for half and hour approx
Enjoyyy xP x
Banana nut cupcakes

1 cup soft brown sugar,
1/4 tsp baking powder,
1/4 tsp baking soda,
2 eggs,
1/2 cup soft butter,
1/2 cup chopped peanuts,
2 small/medium bananas,
1 tsp vanilla,
1/4 tsp almond extract,
1/4 cup milk.
1/2 cup soft butter,
1 1/2 cup icing sugar,
1/4 cup maple syrup,
1/2 tsp vanilla.
In a bowl cream the butter and sugar. Slowly add the eggs. Mash the bananas into the mixture. Add the almond and vanilla. Add the flour, milk, baking soda and powder and the peanuts.
Spoon in 1-2 tbsp into cases and bake for 20-30 minutes until skewer comes out clean.
Allow cakes to cool.
In a bowl cream the butter. Slowly add half the icing sugar until light and fluffy. Add the maple syrup and vanilla and add the rest of the icing sugar until light and all incorporated.
Apply to cooled cupcakes.
Enjoyyyy :*
Flapjack cupcakes with mini chocolate chip flapjacks
Mini flapjacks
1 tbsp butter,
2 tbsp golden syrup,
1/3 cup rolled oats,
1 tbsp small chocolate chips.
3/4 cup self-raising flour,
1 cup soft brown sugar,
1/2 soft butter,
2 eggs,
1/2 tsp vanilla,
1/2 tsp baking powder,
1/2 tsp baking soda,
1/3 cup golden syrup.
1/3 cup soft butter,
2/3 cup icing sugar,
1/2 tsp vanilla.
In the microwaves melt the butter and golden syrup together. Add the oats and mold into a square or tiny individual rectangles. Allow to cool down for 5 minutes. Add the chocolate chips on top and cool fully for 10+ minutes.
In a bowl cream the butter and sugar. Slowly add the eggs. Then add the syrup. Add the flour, baking powder an soda and oats.
Divide into cases and bake for 20-30 minutes or until skewer comes out clean.
Mix the butter, sugar and vanilla together. Put small teaspoons on the top.
Put small flapjacks on the top of the cupcakes.
Enjoy :)))
Great recipes! I like cooking and I 'll try them! I'd appreciated if you follow me back! I'm already your follower! kisses!!!